© UNICEF Bangladesh/2022/Emdadul Islam Bitu


In 2019, we entered a three-year partnership
with UNICEF working to address
the global education gender gap
with a specific focus
on STEM (Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics).
In 2023, to further our long-term commitment
to girls' education, we renewed
this impactful partnership
and set the goal of benefiting 5.7 million
more girls around the world by 2025.

In 2023 alone, our partnership
with UNICEF has reached more than
3 million girls globally, working to close
the STEM education gender gap
and achieve
UN Sustainable Development Goals
#4 (Quality Education)
and #5 (Gender Equality).

To fund this ongoing partnership work,
we have pledged a combined
total of US$17.4 million,
the world's largest private sector contribution,
to UNICEF’s Gender Equality Program.

© UNICEF/UN0464804/Himu

UNICEF's Programs

We are supporting UNICEF
to unlock potential
and create a brighter future for girls
in Bangladesh, Kyrgyzstan,
and Indonesia through UNICEF Programs.
Our support helps provide access to quality
digital skills training, technologies,
and social entrepreneurship opportunities
to enable girls lead empowered lives.

© UNICEF/UN0464804/Himu

UNICEF's Gender Thematic Fund

We are proud to partner with UNICEF
to help girls in China,
Kazakhstan, Lao PDR, Namibia,
Niger, Peru, Uzbekistan,
and Vietnam gain access to
transformative STEM education programs.
By supporting this work
and UNICEF’s Gender Thematic Fund,
we are helping to unlock potential
and create a brighter future
for girls the world over.

© UNICEF/UN0259171/Viet Hung

© UNICEF/UN0259171/Viet Hung


Click to find out more about
the countries we support.

: UNICEF Programs
: UNICEF Gender Thematic Fund

Offering digital training
and advocacy activities to
promote girls’ STEM skills and learning.

Introducing STEM education training and
resources for adolescent girls from the
most vulnerable backgrounds.

Strengthening STEM and skill education
programs and teacher trainings to ensure
support for girls and maximize access to
the services and opportunities they need.

Rolling-out an essential digital skills
curriculum to build
entrepreneurship among
the next generation and fostering
opportunities for cross-cultural exchanges,
internships and scholarships.

Developing girls’ STEM
skills through
the Game Changers Coalition,
to provide girls with access to
a network of peers, trainings,
and events designed to nurture
their interest in STEM.

Enhancing STEM education,
career guidance,
and a nuanced understanding of
gender norms
through a growing community of
peer trainers.

Collaborating with the National Curriculum
and Textbook Board to implement
gender-transformative curricula while extending
Alternative Learning Program,
trainings and mentorships to the most at-risk,
out-of-school girls.

Reducing gender disparities
in STEM education,
particularly for rural adolescent girls,
through gender-responsive teaching,
public advocacy,
and activities tailored to girls' needs.

Advancing educational resources for
adolescent girls in real-life STEM subjects
including biology,
health and climate change.

Improving gender-responsive education
focusing on promoting STEM,
digital literacy,
and other vocational skills.

Engaging students,
teachers and tutors with a focus on
boosting digital
and entrepreneurial skillsets.

* This map is stylized and not to scale. It does not reflect a position by UNICEF on the legal status of any country, or area, or the delamination of any frontiers.


Clé de Peau Beauté for UNICEF in Action: Bangladesh

Bangladesh faces persistent barriers to girls’
access to education
which lead to
lower enrollment rates
and higher dropout rates.
The Clé de Peau Beauté for UNICEF
partnership is taking a unique approach
dismantle these barriers by empowering
girls with essential skills,
while fostering
gender-inclusive education.


National Textbook
and Curriculum Development


Exploring the Power of
Curriculum Transformation

Alternative Learning


Turning Hardships into




UNICEF works in some of the world's
toughest places, to reach the world's most
disadvantaged children.
Across more than 190 countries and
we work for every child,
everywhere, to build a better world
for everyone.
For more information about UNICEF
and its work for children visit
Learn more about the partnership here.

UNICEF does not endorse any company, brand, product, or service.

© UNICEF/UNI560654/Rasnat

National Textbook
and Curriculum

The Clé de Peau Beauté for UNICEF
partnership is building a scalable
national education system
with Bangladesh’s National Curriculum
and Textbook Board (NCTB).
Through the partnership’s support,
accessible, gender-responsive
and skill-based curricula, textbooks,
and trainings are being rolled-out
to equip teachers and students
for the 21st century.

In the week of March 3, 2024,
a group of Clé de Peau Beauté
representatives including
Ms. Mizuki Hashimoto, Chief Brand
Officer of Clé de Peau Beauté,
visited Bangladesh to see how
the NCTB is transforming
the education system.

A group of
Clé de Peau Beauté representatives
observe the new curriculum
being implemented
nationwide during a classroom visit
with students
at a local high school.

© UNICEF/UNI560655/Rasnat
© UNICEF/UNI561046/Rasnat

Students enjoying the new curriculum.

Ms. Mizuki Hashimoto,
Chief Brand Officer of
Clé de Peau Beauté,
meets with a member of the NCTB
to discuss the transformation
of Bangladesh’s
education system
and future expectations.

© UNICEF/UNI560656/Rasnat
© UNICEF/UNI560658/Rasnat

Alternative Learning

The Clé de Peau Beauté for UNICEF
partnership is rolling out Alternative
Learning Program (ALP)
in Bangladesh.

This innovative program is providing
the most vulnerable adolescent girls
with training and mentorship
opportunities, equipping them
with the skills they need to join
the workforce, earn their own income,
and make their own path towards
a brighter future.

In the week of March 3, 2024,
a group of Clé de Peau Beauté
representatives including
Ms. Mizuki Hashimoto, Chief Brand
Officer of Clé de Peau Beauté,
visited Bangladesh to see how the ALP
is benefiting girls all over the country.

Ms. Mizuki Hashimoto,
Chief Brand Officer of
Clé de Peau Beauté
meets with an ALP beneficiary to
learn how the Clé de Peau Beauté
for UNICEF partnership
is impacting the lives of girls.

© UNICEF/UNI560661/Rasnat
© UNICEF/UNI560659/Rasnat

Ms. Mizuki Hashimoto
meeting another ALP beneficiary
who was prevented
from completing her studies due to
financial barriers,
but is now learning to tailor clothing.

Ms. Mizuki Hashimoto met
with an ALP beneficiary’s
mother as well,
who explained:
“I am not thinking about
marriage for my daughter at all.
Instead, I'm focused
on her future prospects.
She can build her future by standing
on her own feet
and thus prosper in life.”

© UNICEF/UNI561045/Rasnat


Transforming Education
for Girls

Clé de Peau Beauté is supporting UNICEF's
programs in Bangladesh
to promote gender
equity in the education system,
alleviating gender-related barriers to
education and reducing
gender-based violence.

UNICEF has implemented an Alternative
Learning Program in Bangladesh
for 100 vulnerable adolescent girls,
linking them to skills development
and employment opportunities. 95 percent
of girls
in the program have already been
connected to a relevant job.

© UNICEF/UN0393270/

21st Century Skills
for Girls

Clé de Peau Beauté is supporting UNICEF's
STEM4Girls programs
in Kyrgyzstan to
empower girls to pursue a professional
and careers in Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
(STEM) and beyond.

110 girls have been trained to be role
models and peer educators for younger
girls in their communities.
The peer trainers are now hosting their
sessions online and sharing their knowledge
and skills with children throughout
their communities.
– reaching even more
girls and empowering them to take charge
and bring about change.

© UNICEF/UN041263/Pirozzi

Promoting Girls'

Clé de Peau Beauté is supporting UNICEF's
programs in Niger to promote new
for adolescent girls by
helping them to develop relevant
competencies and skills.

The partnership supported 120 adolescent
girls to receive skills-based training
and literacy classes and started engaging
200 girls in a peer mentoring program.

© UNICEF/UN0318151/Frank Dejongh


Strengthening Education
for Adolescents Program
to make it Gender Responsive

Clé de Peau Beauté is supporting
UNICEF's programs
in Bangladesh to promote gender
equity in the education system,
alleviating gender-related barriers
to education and
reducing gender-based violence.

In partnership
with the Government of Bangladesh,
UNICEF is following a systematic
approach to strengthen gender equity
in the education system
by providing technical support
to develop a skill-based curriculum,
which has been approved
by the Prime Minister of Bangladesh.

UNICEF has implemented
an Alternative Learning Program
in Bangladesh
for the most vulnerable
out-of-school adolescent girls,
linking them to apprenticeships and
job training with theoretical and
foundational skills.
1,100 girls have enrolled.

© UNICEF/Bangladesh/2022

Increasing STEM4GIRLS
for The 21st Century Workforce

Clé de Peau Beauté is supporting
UNICEF's STEM4Girls programs
in Kyrgyzstan
to empower girls to pursue
a professional education and careers
in science, technology,
engineering and
mathematics (STEM) and beyond,
in order to address existing gender
disparities that include
high unemployment
rates among women and
a prevalence of child marriage.

621 girls have been trained
to be role models and peer educators
for younger girls in their communities.
In turn, these peer educators have
successfully reached over 16k peers.
81 percent of participants have
reported that these sessions helped
them identify their professional path
in STEM.

155 girls entered University
to study STEM,
39 percent with a tuition grant.

© UNICEF/Kyrgyzstan/2021/Jumanaly uulu Dastan

Promoting Girls' Empowerment

Clé de Peau Beauté is supporting
UNICEF's programs in Niger,
where more than 1.3 million girls
are out of school,
to promote new opportunities
for adolescent girls by helping them
to develop relevant
competencies and skills.

The partnership supported
900 secondary school girls
in mentoring groups
to strengthen their basic skills
in mathematics and French.
About a third of these girls
had dropped out of school
but were successfully brought back
to school through
the mentoring program.

24,956 girls and women benefited from a campaign and
workshop on overcoming gender stereotypes and promoting their wellbeing.

© UNICEF Niger/2021/Abdou Ali

Driving Equitable and
Inclusive STEM Skills for Girls

Through the Gender Thematic Fund
that Clé de Peau Beauté supports,
UNICEF funded a study in China
to assess STEM skills of adolescents.
The study led to recommendations
for practical strategies
to strengthen STEM education
for adolescents in rural,
ethnic minority communities,
adolescent girls, and
adolescents with special needs.

© UNICEF/China/2021/Li Manwei

Promoting STEM for Girls
Through New Technology

Through the Gender Thematic Fund,
support by Clé de Peau Beauté,
UNICEF Vietnam is working
with young people
to develop accessible
digital learning solutions.
In 2021, the program trained
over 29,000 adolescents
in digital and transferable skills
for employability.
The program also trained teachers
to address stigmas, stereotyping, and
gender-based violence.

© UNICEF/UN0259177/Viet Hung

Opening Opportunities
with STEM and Lifeskills

Through the Gender Thematic Fund,
girls in Peru were
at the center of designing a module
on web development and
management which will be
institutionalized and integrated into
the national curriculum.
To compliment this program,
UNICEF ran a high impact campaign
to promote STEM
for girls and young women
- reaching over 6 million people.

© UNICEF/UNI322376/Gonzales


Building 21st Century Curricula
and Skills for Girls

We are committed to supporting UNICEF Programs in Bangladesh. These programs include working alongside the government and other partners to provide gender-responsive and skill-based curricula, textbooks, and trainings helping to equip teachers and students for the 21st century. This work has included the training of 660 teachers, academic supervisors, and head teachers from 62 different schools.

We are helping UNICEF to provide out-of-school girls with the support they need to access job opportunities in their communities.

Through initiatives like the Alternative Learning Program, vulnerable girls are provided with foundational skills training and mentorship opportunities, all aiming to give girls the knowledge and know-how to contribute to a brighter future for themselves and the world.

© UNICEF/Bangladesh/2022

Synergy between
STEM4Girls Program
participants during
the celebration of
International Girls’ Day

We are supporting UNICEF's STEM4Girls program to make a positive impact in Kyrgyzstan by empowering girls to pursue higher education and professional careers in STEM. Through this innovative program, 652 girls have become role models and peer educators, and together they have mentored more than 30,000 other girls, with a third of them deciding to choose a profession in STEM. This has also seen more than 400 of those young women enter university to continue their education in STEM.

By providing vulnerable girls with foundational skills training and mentorship, these programs have given girls the opportunity to gain the skills and knowledge they need to contribute to building a brighter future for themselves and their communities, resulting in a more equitable and inclusive society for all of us.

© UNICEF/Kyrgyzstan/2022/Bektur Zhanibekov

UPSHIFTing Girls' Empowerment

Our partnership with UNICEF in Niger has enabled many adolescent girls to gain the skills and knowledge they need to access economic opportunities. The UPSHIFT Program provided 1,800 girls from 160 vocational training centers with courses designed to help them become more competitive in the job market.

In addition, the program mentored more than 2,700 girls in mathematics and French, helping them gain the foundational skills needed to create a brighter, more inclusive future for themselves and their communities.

© UNICEF/UN0824426/Abdou

Driving Equitable and Inclusive STEM Skills for Girls

We are committed to supporting UNICEF’s efforts to empower young women in rural areas across China, where work includes inspiring 870,000 adolescents to build their STEM skills through collaboration with the government including the China Association for Science and Technology. In addition, UNICEF is also working to make sure that this capacity-building is gender-sensitive by providing mentorship opportunities from a network of 124 renowned scientists, including 35 women.

Through these initiatives, we are working together to create a brighter future for young people across China and create a more equitable society for all of us.

Hao and classmates at a project workshop @UNICEF, 2022

Cultivating STEM Skills4Girls

With our support, UNICEF is working closely with the government and other partners in Vietnam to provide more girl-focused skills and learning through the national education system. A special focus is on girls from ethnic minorities in mountainous areas. With UNICEF support, Vietnam has successfully integrated STEM, digital and transferable skills into the national curriculum which is impacting more than 2.7 million girls.

UNICEF has also partnered with the national technical and vocational education and training centers to integrate gender responsive online training materials in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs. So far, 171 teachers and 900 students (60% girls) have participated. UNICEF has also helped establish social innovation clubs at these centers, which prioritize girls’ participation (58%) for activities like gender responsive career counselling.

In 2022, more than 600,000 teachers, trainers and parents were engaged in training and support for girls on digital literacy and transferable skills through the Skills4Girls initiative in Vietnam.

© UNICEF/UN0610327/Vu

STEM and Life Skills for the next Generation of Girls

In Peru, our partnership with UNICEF is dedicated to empowering girls in STEM fields where work focuses on enriching their secondary school education with digital skills learning opportunities which work to increase the rate of participation and completion of coursework among young women.

To achieve this, UNICEF has organized digital training and advocacy activities for 1,488 girls and also launched a mentorship program connecting 25 women technology professionals with 100 adolescent girls to provide them with programming and web development trainings.

© UNICEF/UNI322376/Gonzales



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